March 2, 2018 alexpapineau AMC frustrated with postponement of budget spending for northern and rural infrastructure
February 22, 2018 alexpapineau First Nations disappointed with the verdict finding Raymond Cormier not guilty of the murder of Tina Fontaine
February 2, 2018 alexpapineau Supreme Court of Canada decision relevant to Manitoba First Nations, says Grand Chief
February 1, 2018 alexpapineau AMC supports releasing funds but has concerns over long term benefits to First Nation children
January 29, 2018 alexpapineau AMC supports Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott’s six-point plan for child welfare reform
January 10, 2018 alexpapineau The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs calls on Premier Pallister to stop Manitoba’s divide and conquer tactics in child welfare reform
December 19, 2017 alexpapineau Manitoba First Nation Chiefs resolve to work together to prevent provincial unilateral approach to child welfare reform
December 7, 2017 alexpapineau AMC signs historic MOU with Canada to reaffirm our jurisdiction of children and families
November 30, 2017 alexpapineau AMC Statement in response to Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott’s announcement on Jordan’s Principle
November 21, 2017 alexpapineau AMC denounces Manitoba’s plan to incentivise guardianship of First Nations children
October 18, 2017 alexpapineau Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs frustrated with federal government delay tactics for northern rail line repairs