
The AMC promotes increased opportunities and revenues for First Nations in Manitoba through policy and other initiatives. AMC Gaming Development works with gaming consultants and legal advisors who provide support for and take guidance, direction and advice from:
- the AMC Grand Chief’s Office; and
- the AMC Chiefs Gaming Committee; and
- the Sand Hills Casino Board of Directors.
The Department of Gaming Development currently consists of the gaming coordinator Chloe McCorrister.
The Department of Gaming Development continues to focus on casino development, First Nations gaming policy and other forms of gaming initiatives.
Currently, Manitoba First Nations must conform to provincial gaming legislation and regulations with respect to their gaming establishments. This continues to restrict First Nations access to gaming markets in Manitoba. Further, the Government of Manitoba’s limited interest in discussing First Nations gaming has presented an issue and challenge for First Nations of Manitoba.
At the June 2016 Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs’ Special Chiefs Assembly, a number of gaming resolutions were passed reflecting the changing dynamics of First Nations gaming in Manitoba.
Manitoba Chiefs resolved to reassert First Nations jurisdiction over gaming and to create and promote a level playing field respecting access to the gaming market in Manitoba.
In 2005, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Government of Manitoba signed a Letter of Understanding which established the First Peoples Economic Growth Fund. The Fund provides provincial net gaming revenue to First Nations’ economic development opportunities in a number of areas including:
- Job creation
- Business development
- Education and training
- Responsible gaming initiatives
For more information, visit the FPEGF website at
The Chiefs Gaming Committee (2023/24) includes:
- South Beach Casino – Chief Sheldon Kent (Chair)
- Sand Hills Casino – Chief Jason Daniels
- Aseneskak Casino – Chief Elwood Zastre
- Northern (Vacant Chair) – Chief David Monias
- Southern – Chief Clarence Easter, Chief Jason Daniels
- VLT Holder – Chief Murray Clearsky
- Non-VLT Holder – Vacant
The AMC also provides administrative support to the Sand Hills Board of Directors, which consists of the following:
- AMC Chiefs Gaming Committee Representative – Vacant
- Host First Nation representative – Chief Jason Daniels, Swan Lake First Nation
- Aseneskak Casino representative – Chief Elwood Zastre, Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation
- South Beach Casino representative – Chief Larry Barker, Hollow Water First Nation
- 2 Board Appointed Representatives – Vacant

First Peoples Economic Growth Fund

In 2005 the Chiefs-in-Assembly agreed to enter into a Letter of Understanding with the Government of Manitoba which established the First Peoples Economic Growth Fund. The Fund provides provincial net gaming revenue to First Nations’ economic development opportunities in a number of areas including: Job creation; Business development; Education and training; and Responsible gaming initiatives.
The FPEGF continues to support First Nation business development in Manitoba. Please see their annual report for further details.
In June 2022, Acting Grand Chief met with Cliff Cullen, Manitoba’s Minister of Economic Development, Investment and Trade and Alan Lagimodiere, Minister of Indigenous Reconciliation and Northern Relations, to discuss the First Peoples Economic Growth Fund. During that meeting, Manitoba representatives committed to meeting with AMC representatives to discuss a joint socio-economic review of the FPEGF with Manitoba and future funding and governance.
Meetings continue to take place. In July 2022, the AMC Gaming Committee reaffirmed its ongoing mandated responsibility for the FPEGF
For more information visit