Manitoba Tipi Mitawa Home Ownership Program

The AMC opposes the government of Manitoba’s interference with First Nation jurisdiction under the guise of COVID-19 emergency measures

Bridging Social Distance during COVID-19: Indigenous & Newcomer Youth Relationship Building Project

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Implements a New Level of Communications for First Nations Citizens

AMC Pandemic Support Instructions

The AMC responds to changes to Band Council election rules during the COVID-19 pandemic

AMC expresses serious concerns regarding the unfair treatment of youth in the Manitoba Justice System during the COVID-19 pandemic

AMC comments on the Manitoba government’s decision to extend essential supports for youth aging out of the CFS system during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs offers Condolences to the Family and Friends of Rarihokwats

Grand Chief Arlen Dumas statement on declared COVID-19 state of emergency