First Nations Leaders Call on Canada to Send Support and Resources for Meth Crisis in God’s Lake First Nation

The AMC Responds to the Release of the Winnipeg Street Census 2022 Report

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs is disappointed with the majority of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in R. v. Sharma

AMC Calls on Manitoba to Allocate More Money to Healthcare After the Canadian Institute for Health Information States Manitoba Has the Third Lowest Healthcare Spending Per Person in the Country

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Recognizes the Historic Motion in the House of Commons Unanimously Recognizing Residential Schools as a Genocide

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Offers Condolences to the Family and Communities of the Four Children Who Perished in House Fire

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Announce Elections Results for Grand Chief

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Raises Concerns Over the Early Morning Eviction of Every Child Matters Encampment

AMC Offers Support and Condolences to Red Sucker Lake First Nation in the Wake of a Suicide Crisis

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs – Grand Chief By-Election Notice