AMC supports the Hudson family calls to expand the scope of the Inquest into the fatal police shooting of Eishia Hudson

Statement by Grand Chief Arlen Dumas on the sixth anniversary of the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action

The AMC supports and commends O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation and Chief Shirley Ducharme

Grand Chief Arlen Dumas reiterates AMC call for the reclamation of First Nations children in Manitoba

AMC Grand Chief Dumas’ statement regarding inadequate Provincial Governmental response on the discovery of mass grave of 215 First Nation children

AMC responds to Report 11 of the Auditor General of Canada: COVID-19 and Indigenous Communities

Grand Chief Dumas responds to death upon transport of First Nation citizen

AMC Grand Chief Arlen Dumas’ statement on New York Times article

AMC expresses opposition to provincial authorities’ intrusion onto First Nations’ jurisdiction and calls on Manitoba and Canada to harmonize their laws with First Nations’ law making authority

The AMC encouraged by COVID-19 second doses for First Nations beginning next week