The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs offers Condolences to the Family and Friends of Rarihokwats

April 5, 2020
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba
AMC Communications
The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs wishes to pass on their condolences to the family and friends of beloved Haudenosaunee Elder and friend, Rarihokwats, who passed away on April 4, 2020.
Rari was a scholar, researcher, and advocate in history and law relating to the provision of justice for First Nations in Manitoba, Canada and various other countries throughout the world.
His tireless research efforts, advocacy and negotiation skills helped Nations and citizens gather knowledge to fight legal battles to save ancestral lands and waters. He did this with a quiet voice and a kind heart. He lived and breathed the original intent and meaning of treaty making across Turtle Island. He shared this knowledge with passion and conviction.
He was one of our very beloved Knowledge Keepers and Story Tellers who loved sharing his love for First Nations’ history. He contributed so much to our leadership and our people while his feet walked these lands.
Again, our heartfelt condolences to Rari’s many, many friends and family members.