The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs extends their support to the family of Christine Wood

July 3, 2019
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba
AMC Communications
Treaty One Territory, Winnipeg, Manitoba _ The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) extends their support to the family of Christine Wood, a young woman from the Bunibonibee Cree Nation, following the sentencing of the person found responsible for her death.
The convicted killer of Christine Wood was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 15 years.
“The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs offers their support to the family of Christine Wood at this time” said Grand Chief Arlen Dumas. “As the memories of these horrific events resurface, we stand with the family and continue to offer our deepest sympathies. The sentencing yesterday will not bring back Christine, but we hope it will be an important step in the family’s journey of healing. May our reflection on Christine’s life spur us on to do more to protect our young First Nations women and girls. The loss of Christine reminds us that we all need to take action and respond to the recommendations of the report from the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. We need to work together to ensure that those who are most vulnerable are kept safe.