The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Commend the Initiative to Offer Treaty Education to all Manitoba Educators

June 29, 2023

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba

AMC Communications

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs along with the Government of Canada, jointly mandated the establishment of the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba (TRCM) in 2005 with a key mandate for public education, including giving direction to TRCM work on mandatory K-12 Treaty Education and Treaty Resources for all students in the province. After 13 years AMC commends the partnership between the Manitoba Government and the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba of their joint official announcement of Treaty Education for all Manitoba Students for K-12. This implementation recognizes its profound importance in the path toward reconciliation and is a response to and in alignment with the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action No. 12, 63, and 64.

Treaties are:

  • The foundational agreements between First Nations and the Crown.
  • Treaty relationship is based on two sovereignties;
  • Establishing the principles of cooperation;
  • Shared responsibility.
  • The protection of First Nations rights and lands.

Throughout history, treaties have been misunderstood, neglected, or disregarded by the successive colonial governments resulting in the marginalization and oppression of First Nations and communities.

“By providing comprehensive treaty education to all educators, we have an opportunity to rectify the historical knowledge gaps, myths and misconceptions that have and continue to perpetuate systemic discrimination and racism,” said Grand Chief Cathy Merrick. “Educators will now be armed with accurate information and a deeper understanding of treaties which will effectively challenge stereotypes, debunk myths, and dismantle biases that have been deeply ingrained in our society.”

Reconciliation requires a collective effort, and public education plays a pivotal role. Equipping educators with the knowledge and resources to teach treaty education empowers them to create inclusive learning environments that reflect the principles of truth, justice, and reconciliation. Through these educational opportunities, the foundation for building respectful relationships, dismantling systemic barriers, and forging a brighter future based on understanding and equality is set for the benefit of future generations.

AMC urges educational institutions to embrace this opportunity and engage with treaty education wholeheartedly. Treaty education serves as a catalyst for fostering empathy, cultural appreciation, and dialogue. It provides a platform to explore the rich history, diverse cultures, and invaluable contributions of First Nations Peoples, enriching the educational experiences of all students. Through exploring treaties, students can gain a broader perspective on the legacy of colonization and its ongoing impact on Indigenous communities, fostering compassion and a commitment to social justice.


For more information, please contact:

Communications Team
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs

About the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
The AMC was formed in 1988 by the Chiefs in Manitoba to advocate on issues that commonly affect First Nations in Manitoba. AMC is an authorized representative of 62 of the 63 First Nations in Manitoba with a total of more than 151,000 First Nation citizens in the province, accounting for approximately 12 percent of the provincial population. AMC represents a diversity of Anishinaabe (Ojibway), Nehetho/Ininew (Cree), Anishininew (Ojibwe-Cree), Denesuline (Dene) and Dakota Oyate (Dakota) people.