The AMC Calls on Manitoba to Commit to Providing Comprehensive and Culturally Responsible Competency Training for Newly Recruited Family Physicians

AMC and LPFN Address Concerns Regarding Landfill Search

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Chief Kyra Wilson, Families of Victims, Feasibility Study Co-Chairs, and Invited Experts (ISN Maskwa) Demand Premier Stefanson and All Levels of Government to Reconsider Prairie Green Landfill Search

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Grateful for Support from Leadership at the Assembly of First Nations and CUPE Local 500

First Nations Chiefs Demand Accountability and Support in Search for MMIWG2S Victims at Meeting with Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Marc Miller

AMC Expresses Deep Disappointment over the City of Winnipeg’s Decision to Dismantle Camp Morgan and Imposition of an Injunction on the Blockade

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Congratulates Regional Chief Paul Prosper on Senate Appointment

AMC Issues a Statement on Premier Stefanson’s Announcement to Withhold Support for the Prairie Green Landfill Search

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Grand Chief Cathy Merrick Calls for Meaningful Reflection on Canada Day

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Commend the Initiative to Offer Treaty Education to all Manitoba Educators