Information Update RE Formal Complaint Against Grand Chief Arlen Dumas

March 18, 2022
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) issues this information as an update regarding the formal complaint against Grand Chief Arlen Dumas.
On March 18, 2022, the AMC Executive Council of Chiefs held an emergency meeting to discuss the formal complaint filed by a senior staff member. The following decisions were made based on legal advice provided to the AMC Secretariat and are as follows:
- that the AMC Personnel and Finance Committee engage the services of Manitoba Human Resource Lawyers to investigate the complaint in a manner that is impartial, neutral and objective;
- that Grand Chief Arlen Dumas is suspended for the duration of said investigation;
- that the AMC Executive Council of Chiefs reconvene on Monday, March 21, 2022 to appoint an Acting Grand Chief;
- that the AMC Personnel and Finance Committee review the existing workplace harassment policies and make amendments to them, and also review the current provisions of the AMC Constitution and identify proposed amendments for consideration by the Chiefs-in-Assembly.
Given the nature of this matter, no interviews or further statements will be offered at this time. The AMC will endeavour to provide timely updates in an ongoing manner when reasonably possible to do so.