Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Provides Update on Independent Workplace Investigation

June 30, 2022

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba

AMC Communications

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) releases the following statement.

In March of this year, an AMC staff member lodged a workplace misconduct complaint against Grand Chief Arlen Dumas. Upon receiving the complaint, an independent workplace investigation was immediately launched to confidentially consider the complaint and review Arlen Dumas’ conduct. The confidential independent investigation report was received and reviewed by the Executive Council of Chiefs on the evening of June 29th.

The independent investigation found that the conduct engaged in by Arlen Dumas amounted to workplace sexual harassment under the AMC’s Personnel Policy Manual and under applicable workplace legislation.

Following consideration of the independent investigation, the Executive Council of Chiefs passed a resolution accepting the confidential report. An in-camera special Chiefs-in-Assembly meeting will be held as soon as possible to pursue the removal of Arlen Dumas from the role of Grand Chief through a vote of non-confidence under the procedures of the AMC’s constitution. Dumas will remain suspended until that point, without pay.

Out of respect for the confidential and sensitive nature of the independent workplace investigation, the report will remain confidential. The report was conducted by an external, third-party Manitoba-based legal firm with extensive expertise in workplace investigations. The investigation was undertaken through a trauma-informed lens, and granted investigators access to all materials they deemed relevant from the AMC and parties to the investigation.

Upon conclusion of this investigation, our hope is that those impacted can begin a process of healing. The AMC is committed to reflecting on and reviewing our workplace policies and practices to ensure our organization fosters a culture of support and respect, reflecting traditional First Nations knowledge and human resources best practices.

We would like to acknowledge that this process can be triggering. AMC staff have been informed of the internal support resources available to them. The following services are available 24/7 for any individuals that feel they require counselling support:

  • Klinic Crisis Line: call 204-786-8686 or Toll-free 1-888-322-3019.
  • The Sexual Assault Crisis Line: call 204-786-8631 or Toll-free 1-888-292-7565.
  • Hope for Wellness Help Line: call Toll-free 1‐855‐242-3310


PDF of News Release