AMC Proudly Celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21, 2022

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba

AMC Communications

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) acknowledges and celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day on this day that marks the Summer Solstice. In 1996, following discussions with the National Indian Brotherhood (Now the Assembly of First Nations), chaired by Elijah Harper, and after recommendations were made in the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, a National Aboriginal Day was announced and proclaimed to be on June 21st of every year.

Acting Grand Chief Cornell McLean states, “This is a day for all of us to recognize and celebrate the distinct voices, culture, experiences, and outstanding contributions of First Nations across Manitoba. I encourage us all to safely come together to celebrate this day!”

AMC wishes a happy and healthy National Indigenous Peoples Day to the Anishinaabe (Ojibway), Nehetho/Ininew (Cree), Oji-Cree, Dene and Dakota Peoples of Manitoba! The traditions, history and teachings of our nations have significantly shaped our province and country, despite the many colonial efforts to destroy our cultures and our spirits.

While the lasting effects of the residential school system and colonization that impact First Nations people are still felt today, AMC acknowledges the efforts that have been made by First Nations towards Truth and Reconciliation. We remain hopeful that Canadians will continue to learn – and unlearn – every day in create a better nation to nation relationship that will create social, economic and environmental  benefit which will ensure a brighter future for the First Nations Peoples of Turtle Island.

“On this National Indigenous Peoples Day, AMC hopes that all Canadians are reminded of the importance of understanding First Nations history, embracing it, sharing it, and taking responsibility for the shaping of a better Canada,” concludes Acting Grand Chief Cornell McLean.