AMC participates in the National Day of Action in protest of Bill C-92
May 28, 2019
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba
AMC Communications
Treaty One Territory, May 28, 2019. – Yesterday, the AMC participated in the National Day of Action to rally together with First Nations leaders, Treaty peoples and allies to reject Prime Minister JustinTrudeau’s unilateral laws and policy changes.
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Grand Chief Arlen Dumas stated “As the current Liberal government continues to fast track legislation that affects First Nations inherent and treaty rights, we must take a stand against these actions that will have generational impacts on our children and families.”
The rally was created to bring awareness of the Liberal government’s termination agenda that includes, Bill C-91: An Act respecting Indigenous Language, Bill C-92: An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children, youth and families, and Bill C -97: An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget that creates the new Department of Indigenous Services and the Department of Crown- Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs.