AMC Hosts Rock the Vote Rally, March, and Candidates Forum

September 14, 2023
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba
AMC Communications
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – Today, September 14, 2023, marks a pivotal moment for First Nations in Manitoba. The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) proudly presents the Rock the Vote Rally, March, and Candidates Forum. This isn’t just an event; it’s a clarion call, a mobilization of voices, and a stand for the political future of our First Nations.
“Only a few short decades ago, First Nations people were granted the right to vote without surrendering their treaty rights. A right that should never have been denied in the first place,” said AMC Grand Chief Cathy Merrick. “Today, it’s not merely about having the right to vote; it’s about the urgent need to exercise that right, to bring about transformative changes for our communities.”
Our voices, once suppressed, are now integral to the progress of Canada. Together, we continue to pave the way towards a more just and inclusive society, where the rights of all First Nations Citizens are not only acknowledged but celebrated.
Kicking off at 1:45 PM, Elections Manitoba, in partnership with the AMC, will set up a pop-up registration booth. The goal is to eliminate any barriers to voting for First Nations citizens, ensuring that everyone is empowered and ready to make their mark in the upcoming elections.
Following the Pop-up, a rally is scheduled for 2:30 PM, leading into a March and Candidates Forum at the RBC Convention Centre at 4 PM. Representatives from the Green, Liberal, and NDP parties will be answering questions specific to First Nations issues, including healthcare, treaty rights, and MMIWG2S+.
“Politics isn’t just something that happens in Ottawa or Winnipeg; it happens in our homes, in our communities. We must be present in these political spaces or risk letting others make decisions for us,” urged Chief Kyra Wilson.
While the Progressive Conservative party was invited to this event, they have regrettably chosen not to participate. Their absence speaks volumes, echoing the continued marginalization of First Nations voices in Manitoba’s political landscape.
“The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs isn’t merely promoting civic engagement; we’re demanding it. The future of Manitoba cannot be discussed without the voices and votes of its First Nations people,” said Grand Chief Cathy Merrick.
In times like these, abstaining from voting is not an option. We call upon all media and concerned parties to be part of this monumental event, amplifying the urgency of First Nations involvement in the democratic process.

For more information, please contact:
Communications Team
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
About the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
The AMC was formed in 1988 by the Chiefs in Manitoba to advocate on issues that commonly affect First Nations in Manitoba. AMC is an authorized representative of 62 of the 63 First Nations in Manitoba with a total of more than 151,000 First Nation citizens in the province, accounting for approximately 12 percent of the provincial population. AMC represents a diversity of Anishinaabe (Ojibway), Nehetho / Ininew (Cree), Anishininew (Ojibwe-Cree), Denesuline (Dene) and Dakota Oyate (Dakota) people.