Patient Advocate Unit
The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC)/Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) Patient Advocate Unit supports our people by advocating, developing partnerships and bridging services through effective service coordination to ensure quality services for all First Nations people. This partnership with AMC and WRHA is imperative to ensure the medical needs of First Nation people are met and their medical issues are addressed in a timely and meaningful way as each year the number of clients continues to grow.
Your patient navigator is here to provide guidance, information and support throughout your medical journey outside of the hospital.
A patient navigator is a resource for Indigenous patients/clients and families to help connect them to the right services to meet their health care needs. They are a resource to health care providers to help make health care services culturally safe and assist them with connecting Indigenous services.
Services we provide:
- Non-Insured Health Benefits to provide information and/or assist with coverage/appeals
- Transportation Referral Unit
- Medical Relocation information
- Accessing your medical records
- Filing Critical Incident/hospital complaints
- Consultation (legal, family, medical)
- Employment and Income Assistance (E.I.A.) processes
Direct Referrals:
200-275 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B2B3
204-987-4120 (main line)
204-944-0582 (fax)
In-Hospital Referrals:
Indigenous Health Programs
Central Intake
204-940-8880 (main line)
1-877-940-8880 (toll free)
204-943-1728 (fax)