Open Call for Quotations for Chief Electoral Officer Services

May 9, 2024

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba

AMC Communications

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs is pleased to announce an open call for quotations for the position of Chief Electoral Officer for the upcoming election of the Grand Chief and Regional Chief. This significant event is scheduled to take place from July 23 to July 25, 2024, on the Lands of Waywawseecappo First Nation near Brandon, Manitoba.

Duties of the Chief Electoral Officer

The Chief Electoral Officer shall perform the following duties as outlined in the AMC Constitution Appendix D: Election Rules Modified October 19, 2023:

2.0 Duties of the Chief Electoral Officer

2.1 The Chief Electoral Officer shall:

  • Exercise general direction and supervision over the administrative conduct of elections.
  • Enforce fairness, impartiality, and compliance with these rules on the part of all election officers.
  • Issue to election officers such instructions as necessary to ensure the effective execution of these rules.
  • Chair the Electoral Committee appointed by The Secretariat.
  • Perform such other duties as are prescribed by or under these rules or the Constitution of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Secretariat Inc.

2.2 The Chief Electoral Officer shall, within seven (7) days after each election, make a report to The Secretariat and may include any recommendations about amendments to these rules.

2.3 In addition to other powers, duties, and functions, the Chief Electoral Officer may, in case of an emergency, unusual or unforeseen circumstances, or an error, adapt any provision of these rules. This includes:

  • Extending the time or dates for doing anything under these rules.
  • Increasing the number of election officers.
  • Omitting or varying any of the prescribed forms to suit the existing circumstances.
  • Subject to the approval of the Executive Council of Chiefs, modifying a provision of these rules to permit their use at a by-election.
  • Subject to the approval of the Executive Council of Chiefs, generally adapting the provisions of these rules to existing circumstances.

The Chief Electoral Officer may not extend the hour for the opening or closing of the poll or for accepting a nomination paper on the day fixed for close of nominations in an election.

2.4 During an election, the Chief Electoral Officer may:

  • Remove from office and replace an election officer if the officer:
    • Refuses or neglects or is unable to act.
    • Has failed to perform satisfactorily the duties of his/her office.
    • Is engaging in partisan political activities.
  • Order the election officer to deliver up all materials in his/her possession.

Submission Requirements

Interested candidates are invited to submit their proposals, which should include:

  • A cover letter detailing relevant experience and qualifications.
  • A detailed plan for managing the election process.
  • A budget outline for the required services.
  • Any additional information or recommendations that may enhance the effectiveness of the election process.

Submission Deadline

All proposals must be submitted by noon on May 16, 2024. Please send your proposals to

For further information or clarification, please contact us at 204.954.3068 or

We look forward to receiving your proposals and appreciate your interest in supporting the democratic process of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs.