Notice of nominations for election of AFN Regional Chief (MB)

June 12, 2018
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba
AMC Communications
DATE: May 19th, 2018
TO: All First Nation Chiefs & Councillors
FROM: Stephanie Connors, Chief Electoral Officer
SUBJECT: Official Call for Nominations for the Election for AFN Regional Chief (Manitoba)
This is to give notice that the Chiefs of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs will elect a AFN Regional Chief at the AMC Annual General Assembly scheduled for July 18 & 19, 2018 at Brokenhead Ojibway Nation. The date for the Election will be on the second day of the assembly on July 19, 2018.
Attached are copies of the Election Rules for the AFN Regional Chief, Proxy Letters, Nomination Forms for the Office of the AFN Regional Chief. This official Notice is pursuant to the Election Rules for Office of the AFN Regional Chief – Section 8.1 Call for Nominations, which reads as follows:
Sec.8.1 At least 60 clear calendar days before the date of the Election the Chief Electoral Officer shall in the prescribed form call for nominations for the election of the AFN Regional Chief.(Notice May 20th, 2018)
Sec. 8.2 The closing date for nominations shall be ten (10) clear calendar days before an Election. (Closing date: July 9th, 2018 at 4:00pm)
If you have any questions regarding this notice and/or attachments, please contact myself at (204) 6202998 or email or Deputy Electoral Officer, Melanie Everette at (204) 8052808 or email
Stephanie Connors, Chief Electoral Officer