Memo: Vaccination Distribution Update

January 8, 2021

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba

AMC Communications

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) releases the following update regarding specifics on logistics for the vaccine distribution.   

Our First Nations Pandemic Coordination Response Team (PCRT) was pleased to speak with First Nation leadership late this afternoon to apprise them of the most up to date information regarding the vaccine distribution.   

The first priority is to begin with Nations that have personal care homes and/or elder homes within the Nation. Therefore, the first shipments have gone out as of today to the following Nations:  

  • Cross Lake;  
  • Norway House;  
  • Fisher River Cree Nation; and   
  • Peguis First Nation.  

The PCRT continues to make plans for the following Nations, which also have PCHs:  

  • Nisichawayawsihk 
  • Opaskwayak 
  • Sagkeeng 
  • Sioux Valley; and  
  • Bunibonibee 

We are working with federal, provincial and First Nation organizational partners on the extensive logistic details that the distribution requires, which may include charter airplanes, helicopters, and/or hovercrafts.   

The goal is to get the vaccine to all 63 Nations as quickly as possible. We’ll continue to work through the weekend to ensure Nations receive their supply expeditiously to ensure elders and health care workers are vaccinated without delay. We anticipate that further details on the timing of the distribution of the vaccine will be available on Monday, January 11th 

Reminder that these are smaller shipments on this first round, so please continue to be patient as our First Nation health experts and leadership work to serve all citizens as soon as possible.   

Further information on the COVID-19 vaccine, including fact sheets on the vaccine, possible adverse reactions, and the consent form are available here:   

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