FireSmart Call For Applications: 2021 to 2022

October 26, 2020

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba

AMC Communications

About the program

FireSmart builds skills in First Nations communities to prevent and prepare against wildland fires. Programming involves training First Nations teams in wildfire suppression duties, as well as fuel management and vegetation clearing, which reduces the intensity and spread of wildfires. FireSmart also leverages Indigenous knowledge of the local environment and terrain to improve emergency planning, preparation and response to wildfires.

Through the Emergency Management Assistance Program, FireSmart project funding is available for initiatives, such as:

  • wildfire pre-suppression planning
  • wildfire risk assessments
  • fuel reduction, forest thinning, prescribed burning
  • fire breaks
  • wildland fire crew training
  • vegetation management
  • fire mapping
  • FireSmart training, workshops, conferences

Funding for risk assessments is available through the First Nations Adapt Program. Fire-related infrastructure projects may be eligible under the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program. Consult your ISC regional office emergency management contact for guidance on which program best suits your needs.

Since 2015, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) has contributed approximately $3.2 million annually to First Nations to support their participation in FireSmart programs. In 2019 to 2020, FireSmart programs were funded in 53 First Nations communities.

Budget 2019 allocated $47.72 million over 5 years, starting in fiscal year 2019 to 2020, to expand the on-reserve FireSmart programs that support First Nations to enhance capacity around wildfire management.

In British Columbia, FireSmart funding for First Nations communities is administered through the First Nations Emergency Services Society (FNESS). Please contact FNESS directly for any FireSmart-related projects in BC.

Who can apply

  • First Nation communities
  • Band or tribal councils
  • Indigenous organizations

Projects based on Crown land are ineligible.


The deadline to submit a proposal is November 1, 2020. Applications received after the deadline will be reviewed if additional funding becomes available.

How to apply

  1. Complete the Emergency Management Non-Structural Mitigation and Preparedness Program project funding application:
  2. Submit the form to your ISC regional office emergency management contact.

If your First Nation community is in British Columbia, please contact FNESS for instructions and the application procedure:

Jeff Eustache, Manager, Forest Fuel Management Department,
Telephone: 250-377-7600

Visit the Webpage